Hobart Offers Aluminum Welding Technology Seminars
September 1, 2016
Hobart will host an Advanced Welding and Design program as part of its Aluminum Welding Technology Seminars. The three day workshop will be held at the Miller Electric Mfg. Co. Training Center in Appleton, WI, October 18 - 20.
The program provides advanced technical and hands-on welding training focused on all of the elements required to produce reliable aluminum welding procedure specifications (WPS). It is geared toward design, welding and process engineers, and lead welding operators who work predominantly or exclusively with aluminum.
Participants will receive the Hobart Guide for Aluminum welding, safety glasses, the use of a welding helmet and other personal safety equipment, along with meals. The Advanced Welding and Design program provides 23 professional development hours for American Welding Society CWI re-certification.
For more information contact:
For more information, including program costs, download an Aluminum Welding Technology Seminar brochure from www.hobartbrother.com/support/brochures-flyers, or contact Blaine.Guy@hobartbrothers.com or Galen.White@hobartbrothers.com.
Hobart Brothers Company
101 Trade Square East
Troy, OH 45373
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