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MSX High Feed Milling Cutter

Sumitomo Electric Carbide Inc.'s MSX High Speed Milling Cutter is designed to achieve high feedrates of up to .055 IPT for significantly reduced cycle times. To help ensure higher rigidity and accuracy, the MSX features a double clamping system.

The MSX Mill is designed for ramping and helical applications using general steel, alloy steel, stainless steel and cast iron.

Recommended insert grades for steel include PVD-coated ACP200 and ACP300. For cast iron applications, PVD-coated ACK300 and CVD-coated ACK200 insert grades are recommended. The PVD-coated inserts provide fracture resistance, while the CVD-coated insert offers anti-adhesion and wear resistance.

The MSX is available in Weldon (EW) and Cylindrical (ELC) type shanks.

For more information contact:

Sumitomo Electric Carbide, Inc.

1001 Business Center Drive

Mount Prospect, IL 60056


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