Clean Air America Weld Stations
June 1, 2013
The Weldstation 5 is a one piece, self-contained welding work center designed for capturing smoke and grinding dust in educational or industrial settings.
Measuring 60" wide, 39" deep and 120" high, WeldStation 5 is designed to fit into almost any space. Available options include adjustable height worktables, side shelving, welding equipment and worker storage, and interior lighting.
The Weldstation 5 Series comes in two models, the Single and the Dual. The secondary booth on the Dual can be positioned side-by-side on either left or right of the main unit or on the back.
Made from 100% recycled steel, the Weldstation 5 features LED lighting and Eco power control for reduced energy consumption.
For more information contact:
Clean Air America, Inc.
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