High Production Machines for Machining Powder Metal Components
June 1, 2013

"Max-Tek Superabrasive Grinding Systems utilize plated and vitrified CBN grinding wheels for fast, efficient and economical material removal. Heavy stock removal in interrupted cuts and cost saving performance on difficult to machine materials over a wide range of part applications are two of the main benefits of superabrasive machining," said a company spokesperson. The STC-300 ATC Superabrasive Turning Machine offers an eight-wheel automatic wheel changer for use with plated, vitrified and conventional grinding wheels. Multiple grinding operations requiring several wheel shapes and finishing characteristics can be performed in a single set-up. A wheel dresser disk is mounted on the work spindle to provide profile dressing of wheel shapes. The STC-400 Superabrasive Turning Machine delivers heavy stock removal and exacting surface finishes for a wide range of part requirements. It is specifically outfitted with a hydraulic chuck and tailstock for the machining of difficult interrupted cut components such as pump and compressors impellors up to 25 inches in diameter. All Max-Tek Superabrasive Turning machines can be designed to do peel grinding, have automatic loading and unloading, and do in process and post process gauging.
Max-Tek also produces horizontal spindle Superabrasive Machining Centers for profile grinding, milling and drilling. The Max-510 machine has 20 inches of travel in X, Y and Z axis and comes in a 3, 4 or 5 axis version. This configuration has been utilized in the aerospace blade market for over 15 years. For larger aerospace parts and land based turbine parts, Max-Tek produces the HGC-800 model. The machine is equipped with an APC that has 31.5" by 31.5" pallets, tool changer and nozzle changer. There are other Max-Tek models available to fit your part configuration and type.
Max-Tek designs and sells Superabrasive Machining Systems specifically suited for a variety of customer applications in the aerospace, power generation, automotive, compressor, pump, powder metal gear and medical devices industries.
For more information contact:
Max-Tek LLC
40 Progress Circle
Newington, CT 06111
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