Three New App Bundles for Machinists
May 1, 2015

Ultimate Machinist App screenshot
Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies (ITAMCO) has released three new bundled apps: CNC Machinist, Practical Machinist and Ultimate Machinist. According to a spokesperson, these app bundles contain ITAMCO's most popular apps.
CNC Machinist
The CNC Machinist App Bundle has four apps designed to help users build a CNC program and the settings to send to a CNC machine tool, including:
- Feedrate Calculator - calculates feedrate and speeds
- Grid Pattern Support - gives X and Y positions for a grid pattern program
- Bolt Hole Circle Calculator - calculates coordinates of a bolt hole circle based on the number of holes and X, Y coordinates
- iDNC - the first iOS DNC settings app for CNC machine tool controls. DNC settings for multiple machine controls and types including, but not limited to, FANUC, Siemens, Mazak, Okuma, Haas and more. Also includes file transfer protocol (FTP) client server for part programs for CNC controls such as FANUC.
Practical Machinist
These four apps cover the basic tasks for the machinist, including:
- Feedrate Calculator - calculates feedrate and speeds
- Drill Tap - calculates different size drills, taps, bolts, screws and nuts
- Metal Weight Calculator - calculates weights of different types of metals in various shapes
- Measure Threads - measures threads with wire and calculates the best wire size.
Ultimate Machinist
The Ultimate Machinist contains 10 apps designed to meet machinist needs, including:
- Feedrate Calculator - calculates feedrate and speeds
- Drill Tap - calculates different size drills, taps, bolts, screws and nuts
- Metal Weight Calculator - calculates weights of different types of metals in various shapes
- Measure Threads - measures threads with wire and calculates the best wire size
- Bolt Hole Circle Calculator - calculates coordinates of a bolt hole circle based on the number of holes and X, Y coordinates
- Ball Nose Calculator - calculates step-over and depth of cut for a ball nose end mill
- Sine Bar Calculator - calculates the gage block stack, 1st angle and/or 2nd angle given the sine bar size and one of the other variables
- Drill Point Calculator - calculates drill point depth and countersink depth or angles
- Thermal Expansion Calculator - calculates changes in dimensions or thermal expansion coefficient of a substance related to its thermodynamic property when heated, and expanding or contracting when cooled
- Surface Finish Calculator - converts values between speed, corner radius and surface finish value.
The apps require iOS6.1 and can be purchased through the Apple App Store in iTunes. They are compatible with the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
"We are committed to building our applications on platforms that bring a user-friendly experience to our customers at an affordable price," said Joel Neidig, an engineer at Indiana Gear (a division of ITAMCO) and lead app developer. "We started developing apps because we needed tools on our shop floor that we could not find in the marketplace." The company is currently releasing a new app every two weeks and has released over 65 apps for iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry mobile devices since 2009.
For more information contact:
6100 Michigan Road
Plymouth, IN 46563
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