New Positive High Feed Milling Tools
May 1, 2015
Techniks continues to add to its new cutting tool offerings with the announcement of SDHF high feed end mills and face mills. Both end mills and face mills are made from H-13 tool steel, and are nickel-coated to promote longer life and feature internal coolant directed at each cutting edge.
"This tooling, when used with our SDKX all-material inserts, achieves higher feedrates in steel, stainless steel, cast iron, hardened steel and even high-temperature alloys without stopping to change inserts," said Mark Frost, National Sales Manager.
"In tests, we are able to increase feedrates up to 60%. When you consider that, in addition to faster feedrates, there is no need to change inserts for different materials. We can provide significant increases in productivity," said Frost. "An ideal application for these high-feed cutters is helical interpolation, producing holes quickly from a solid or enlarging existing holes. Holes can be blind with flat bottoms or through-holes. For the end mill holders, the recommended insert is Techniks' SDKX 0904. For face mills, use the SDKX 1205 insert."
For more information contact:
Techniks Inc.
9930 East 56th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46236
800-597-3921 / 317-803-8000
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