New Apps Offer Convenient Access to Tool Data
May 1, 2015

Three applications for each of the ZOLLER Tool Management Solutions software packages

Users can move tools into storage or out of storage and select the storage location remotely.

Statistics on tool life and reasons for replacement or information on the supplier and delivery times can be checked remotely.
ZOLLER has launched three new apps for each of its TMS Tool Management Solutions software packages to give users access to their tool data at any time from any location. Master data, graphics, warehouse information and more can be accessed remotely. Warehouse inventory and tool service lives or reasons for replacement can be documented on an iPhone or iPad. "All information is transparently displayed and easy to use, which is what users expect from their iPhones and iPads," said a company spokesperson.
The app for the BRONZE TMS package is designed to enable users to view the single components, the setting sheets and the tools. The software identifies the detailed data and drawings, tools and single components via the mobile device's built-in camera using the barcode or QR code and data matrix.
"The SILVER app makes part list printouts a thing of the past," said the spokesperson. "All tools can be put into and taken out of storage and the storage location selected remotely. Users now no longer have to go to the main computer in the warehouse and instead can conveniently enter stock items in the warehouse system from anywhere. Users receive information on precisely where their tools are located, and a three-dimensional graphic additionally displays the storage location of the tools in the cabinet. Users can also manage how certain types of tools are stored such as new or re-machined tools."
Mobile Query for Tool Service Lives and Reasons for Replacement
With the GOLD app, users can additionally create tool service life entries, which means the service lives can be queried directly on the machine and reasons for replacement defined. The corresponding statistics on tool service lives or information on suppliers and delivery times are available remotely. "This gives users access to their tool data at all times, from any location and without having to worry about time-consuming installation," said the spokesperson.
The app can be used with any company-wide wireless connection or at any preferred location with Internet access. It is available from the App store for the iPhone and iPad with IOS 7 and 8.
For more information contact:
Zoller Inc.
3753 Plaza Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
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