CAMPAT Machine Tool, Inc. has introduced the Leadwell LTC-208 and LTC-210 as additions to its slant bed designed CNC turning center lineup. "These models have a robust structural design that makes them ideal for heavy machining," said a company spokesperson.
CAMPAT Machine Tool, Inc. has introduced the Leadwell LTC-208 and LTC-210 CNC turning centers to the precision parts manufacturing marketplace. "LTC lathes are rugged in construction, flexible in design and precise in manufacture," said a company spokesperson. "The LTC-208 and 210 offer users advanced engineering and outstanding performance."
Both lathes feature a rigid one-piece cast iron 30° slant bed construction with box ways. "These multitasking lathes have a structural design that is ideal for heavy machining," said the spokesperson. "The slant bed design provides maximum rigidity and is designed for high production environments to help users increase profitability by increasing productivity."
FANUC controls are a Leadwell standard. The LTC-208 and LTC-210 feature the FANUC OiMate-TD control.
The LTC-208 and 210 offer a maximum turning diameter of 14.96" with a max turning length of 19.7". Both lathes feature a maximum work swing of 19.7" and a swing-over cross slide maximum of 12.7". The maximum weight of the workpiece tops out at 485 lbs. without the use of the tailstock. Made with a heavy-duty casting, a rugged tailstock is standard on both the 208 and 210 models. The quill drive adjustment is hydraulic, with a 2.95" stroke and a large 2.95" diameter incorporating a MT #4 quill taper. The quill stroke is controlled programmable.
Both lathes feature FANUC A/C 20 HP spindle motors with max 25 HP with spindle torque of 140 ft-lbs. at 750 RPM. "This ensures consistent clean cuts, thus reducing chatter and increasing accuracy and tool life," said the spokesperson. "The LTC headstock is a thermally symmetric design with heat dissipating fins. This design prevents thermal distortion during long machining cycles."
The LTC-208 is manufactured with a 35 ~ 4,000 RPM spindle speed range, a spindle bore of 2.99" and an A2-6 spindle nose. It is equipped with a 3-jaw power chuck with a diameter of 8" and a bar capacity of 2.59".
The LTC-210 has a 35 ~ 3,500 RPM spindle speed range, a spindle bore of 3.5" and an A2-8 spindle nose. It is equipped with a 3-jaw power chuck with a diameter of 10" and a bar capacity of 3.0".
"Pre-tensioned ball screws on all Leadwell lathes are accurately aligned parallel to the box ways and guide ways for the highest accuracy. They are also anchored at both ends for extra rigidity. The ball screws are then stretched to apply tensioning for maximum stiffness and reduced thermal growth," said the spokesperson. Both the X and Z axis double-nut ball screws are 1.26" in diameter. The accuracies are designed to be achieved with X/Z positioning of +/-0.0002" and X/Z repeatability of +/-0.0001". The X-axis travel is 8.27" with the Z-axis travel at 21.3".
"The heavy-duty 12-tool station turret has a robust casting and is Servo driven for rotation accuracy," said the spokesperson. Tooling capacity is 1.5" for round and 1.0" for square. Turret clamping is of the hydraulic two-piece Curvic coupling type. Both the LTC-208 and 210 are also available with a full C-axis and a BMT 55 "live tool" turret for multi-axis production capable with 12 live stations.
Both machines come in at a weight of 8,500 lbs. with a compact footprint of 101"L x 62.5"W x 62.5"H.
Inspired by CAMPAT Machine Tool (Plano, TX), these new LTC lathe models were specifically designed for the U.S. marketplace for the requirements of today's manufacturers. "Leadwell has done an exceptional job building just what we need in the North American precision metalcutting marketplace. They have many value-added features that we can offer our customer base at no additional cost," said Joe Tomalonis, President of CAMPAT.
For more information contact:
Andy Pennington, CMTSE
Regional Sales Manager
CAMPAT Machine Tool, Inc.
1700 10th Street
Plano, TX 75074
800-450-4120 / 972-424-4095