SSW Becomes LENOX Certified Weld Center
May 1, 2015
Saw Service of Washington Inc. (SSW), located in Bellingham, WA, has completed all requirements to become one of 45 LENOX Certified Weld Centers in North America and Western Washington's only Certified Weld Center for LENOX, a company that has been developing premium-performance tools and sawing solutions for 100 years.
SSW runs two Ideal Welder production lines with welding capabilities up to 2.0". "Our LENOX factory trained welding staff takes the time to match every tooth at the weld seam to produce high-quality, long-lasting blades," said a company spokesperson.
The sales team at SSW has completed band sawing training courses at the LENOX Institute of Technology. "They are knowledgeable with all LENOX products and able to recommend the best blade for the job as well as assist with any band saw blade questions or concerns."
For more information contact:
Saw Service of WA
1602 Carolina St. Unit D-9
Bellingham, WA 98229
877-738-6437 / 360-738-6437
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