GF Machining Solutions' new Mikron HEM 500U milling machine with a 10-position pallet changer
GF Machining Solutions now offers its Mikron HEM 500U high-efficiency milling machine with a 10-position pallet changer (PCH). "The machine provides high-performance, high-value 5-axis capabilities to manufacturers focused on efficient, accurate and reliable parts production," said a company spokesperson.
"The company successfully achieved its price/performance goals with the HEM 500U due to its highly experienced and forward-thinking design and engineering teams," said Gisbert Ledvon, Director of Business Development for GF Machining Solutions in North America.
According to the company, the new machine is ideal for cutting parts from aluminum alloys and steel. "The HEM 500U features a highly dynamic 12,000 RPM ISO-B40 spindle and 30-tool magazine that provides a 2-second chip-to-chip time for high-speed continuous milling operations and increased spindle uptime," said the spokesperson. A 20,000 RPM spindle and 60-tool changer are also available.
"A trunnion table measuring 19.7 inches (500 mm) in diameter and accommodating workpiece weights up to 440 lbs tilts +2.000 inches/-4.330 inches in the B-axis and rotates 360 degrees in C for 3 + 2 machining as well as 5-side positioning," said the spokesperson. Axis travels in X, Y and Z measure 19.7", 17.7" and 15.7", respectively, while a distance of 5.9" between the machine spindle nose and rotary table surface allows for ample maneuverability around workpieces.
"The robust HEM 500U works well under a variety of working conditions," said the spokesperson. "Its C-frame structure supports a cross-sledge for the transversal X- and Y- movements. All three linear axes are located on a sturdy block that houses the B-axis. The vertical Z-movement, which contains the inline spindle, mounts to the rigid Y-axis column.
"The HEM 500U relies on a new Heidenhain iTNC 530 control for quick and reliable machining. This versatile, workshop-oriented control for 5 (3+2)-axis machining features an integrated digital drive control with integrated inverter, enabling it to produce an accurate workpiece contour while machining at high velocity. The HEM 500U also comes equipped with Smart machining modules that provide advanced levels of monitoring critical to the production of aerospace and defense parts."
According to the company, the HEM 500U features a small footprint and is ideal for tight set-up areas in small job shops and large production plants. "The attention to the ergonomics of the machine's design allows for easy access to workpieces," said the spokesperson. "Its highly accessible structure makes it possible to load and unload workpieces using a forklift as opposed to a crane."
For more information contact:
Gisbert Ledvon
GF Machining Solutions
560 Bond St.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069-4224