The Sinumerik blackline panels from Siemens are a new generation of operator panels for the Sinumerik 840D sl CNC system and offer new options for machine tool operation.
The Sinumerik blackline panels OP 015 black and OP 019 black are a new generation of operator panels for the Sinumerik 840D sl CNC system and offer new options for machine operation. The inductive sensor technology is designed to enable rapid interaction with the user interface even when the operator is wearing gloves. Similarly, it prevents incorrect entries, for example caused by the heel of the operator's hand.
The 19" display of the OP 019 black can show all the entries made in widescreen format at a glance. The OP 015 black also features an alphanumerical keypad on the right that can be operated via touch control. This feature means that the 15" display is not restricted by the superimposed keypad during data entry, which, according to the company, ensures clear and efficient operation. Both blackline panels also have an integrated glass panel on the front side and are designed with IP65 (OP 019 black) and IP66 (OP 015 black) degrees of protection. They are resistant to liquids and dust and can be operated even under harsh industrial conditions. An integrated key lock helps safeguard against operating errors. The operator panel can provide a basic machine display, with three or four channels showing up to 13 axes.
The blackline panels also feature durable LED background lighting, providing 40% energy savings compared to conventional neon lamps, according to the company.
In combination with the Sinumerik 840D sl control, for use on high-end milling, turning, grinding and laser cutting machine tools, the blackline panels can be used as an operating and programming station for aerospace composite machining, power generation and medical part manufacturing, in addition to tool and moldmaking, rotary indexing machines and in shop floor manufacturing.
For more information contact:
John Meyer
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Drive Technologies - Motion Control
390 Kent Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007