Workholding Solutions and Design Services
August 1, 2022
"Mitee-Bite Products continually expands its wide range of workholding solutions and design services to all major industries, including customers wishing to learn more about process improvement," said a company spokesperson.
On-staff engineers assist with the design and development of high-density fixtures or methods to reduce operations and handling.
"I use a significant number of Pitbull Clamps," noted one end user. "This pallet took us from two bars in a double vise yielding six parts in total, to six bars yielding 36 parts."
"I use the TalonGrips for every OP 1. I have made thousands of parts and never had a part pull out. It is the best solution for low profile gripping," reported Alex of Utah Valley CNC.
"From simple solutions to lights-out automation, Mitee-Bite helps you maximize your machine's capabilities, save on material costs and reduce set-up times," said the spokesperson. "Run longer, unattended cycles, reduce labor/set-up cost by 70% or more and run more jobs through machines weekly and increase capacity and profits. Limited only by your imagination."
For more information contact:
Mitee-Bite Products LLC
340 Route 16B
P.O. Box 430
Center Ossipee, NH 03814
IMTS West Building, Level 3
Booth 431556
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