Hollenstein Career and Technology Center Manufacturing Engineering Instructor Demetrius Anthony teaches more advanced machining on an EMCO machine with a Siemens 840D emulator.

A Hollenstein Career and Technology Center student holds a part that he produced in one of Instructor Demetrius Anthony's classes.

Siemens SinuTrain training system turns PCs into an exact representation of the SINUMERIK Operate interface during one of Instructor Demetrius Anthony's classes.

A student performs conversational programming on a DMU 50 machine using a SINUMERK 840D controller during class at De Anza College.

De Anza College Design & Manufacturing Technologies Department Coordinator Mike Appio and a student with a part produced on a CNC mill.

Mike Appio, De Anza College Design & Manufacturing Technologies Department Coordinator, discusses the advanced capabilities of the SINUMERK 840D controller.

Dean Baker, Instructor of Manufacturing Technology Machining, shows a student how to work on a Fryer machine with a SINUMERIK 828D controller during a class at the Francis Tuttle Technology Center's Portland Campus in Oklahoma City.

A student using a SINUMERIK 828D controller conducts conversational programming during one of Dean Baker's classes at Francis Tuttle Technology Center's Portland Campus.

Manufacturing Technology Machining Instructor Dean Baker and his students explore the capabilities of the SinuTrain emulator during a class at De Anza College.
A rapid advancement in technological development has changed and challenged industries around the world in recent years. In manufacturing, as new technologies permeate the industry, the demand for employees with advanced machining skills increases. Those who possess the latest skills will quickly rise to the top of the talent pool.
"Progressive high schools and community colleges around the country that sense an opportunity to meet the growing needs of the industry are turning to the Siemens Lifelong Educational Advantage Program (LEAP) to equip their students with career-enabling, advanced machining skills," said a company spokesperson. "The LEAP curriculum features basic to advanced CNC machining, including 5-axis training, that puts students on a path to a career, not just a job."
"The manufacturing industry is investing heavily in and quickly moving to 5-axis machining, so 5-axis capabilities are becoming necessary for shops," said Steve Holmes, CNC Education Manager at Siemens. "Students must learn 5-axis machining to obtain the best, highest-paying jobs at the best companies."
LEAP-certified schools use the Siemens SinuTrain training system, which is PC-based simulator software replicating the SINUMERIK Operate interface of 828D and 840D controls. Siemens provides software and installation assistance as well as free instructor training, certification and support.
The LEAP training program consists of three days each on Level 1 (conversational programming, ShopTurn and ShopMill), Level 2 (more complex machining, including 4-axis) and Level 3 (5-axis milling) for instructors. Upon completion of training, instructors are certified, and they in turn can certify students. Successful completion of each level of training and subsequent testing can provide students with up to five certificates to help them begin their careers in CNC machining.
Markus Puntigam, Technical Sales Manager at EMCO Group USA in Wixom, MI, has firsthand experience with LEAP. EMCO supplies many of the machines using Siemens controls to schools in the LEAP program. He said that LEAP benefits not only the students, but also the schools.
"The LEAP program has real market value," Puntigam said. "The schools get-free of charge-three levels of training, each level backed by three days of instructor training, which amounts to a full nine days of training. Part of that training can be done at the school on-site. Schools are getting a training service package in the range of $25,000 for free."
Many schools around the country are already part of the Siemens LEAP program. Program leaders at three of those schools-in Fort Worth, TX, Cupertino, CA, and Oklahoma City, OK-said that the program has elevated their curriculum, and they are ready for even more advanced machining training and certification.
"Schools must improve their programs to incorporate 5-axis because the market is going that way. Otherwise, their programs will not be in demand," Holmes said.
Hollenstein Career and Technology Center-Fort Worth, TX
Demetrius "Coach" Anthony, a tool and die maker journeyman who served in the military, started the manufacturing/engineering program at Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD-Hollenstein Career & Technology Center in Fort Worth, TX. He has seen increasing demand for employees with advanced CNC machining skills, and the Siemens LEAP program is helping Anthony train Hollenstein students with the latest technology. His classes feature several EMCO machines with a Siemens 840D emulator, which gives the students valuable experience that is attractive to high-tech companies.
"Graduates with experience in advanced technology are in great demand by the manufacturing industry," Anthony said. "These companies are asking for students who know the Siemens platform and know 5-axis machining."
In his classrooms, Anthony has seen students quickly improve using Siemens controls. He attributes this in part to the conversational programming feature.
"Once I brought Siemens in, students who struggled with code got to see the conversational part of it, and they took off with it," Anthony said. "It is beneficial when they can see it before they actually run a simulation. A lot of people are visual learners. On our other control option, all they see is the line of code and a 2D line tracing the moves it made. They do not get the 3D visual like they do with the machines with the Siemens controls we have now."
Under his guidance and with hands-on experience with Siemens-controlled machines, students who complete the LEAP program at Hollenstein are ready to enter the workforce, Anthony said. He shows local employers his students' skills during open houses, where company representatives often tell him a variation of a common theme: It is hard to believe high school students can machine.
"I will have one student, and I will say, `Here is a student; he can draw up any part that you have in CAD. He can set it up. He can do the CAM or he can hand-program it. He can run the machine, set the machine up. He can go over and help with the mech lab units, which is essentially lighting the proof of concept (POC)-controlling the conveyor, sensors, things like that-and then he can print up 3D models.' This is all coming from one student," Anthony said. "One of the guys who came out from a local large manufacturing company said, `We have four or five different people doing all those things.' And I said, `Here you have a student who has the very basics for all of that, and he is ready to go.'"
Puntigam of EMCO, which supplies machines to Hollenstein, said it is exactly that type of employee who is highly sought in the industry: "not a button-pusher, but somebody who really knows what they are doing."
Anthony's students also rise above their peers in the state and national SkillsUSA competitions that showcase the best career and technical education students in the country. He said that his students, using Siemens controls, often win their district and finish in the top three, if not first, in the state SkillsUSA competitions.
"We prepare for competitions and for the workforce at the same time," said Anthony, whose program is so popular students must enter a lottery for enrollment.
De Anza College-Cupertino, CA
Situated in the heart of Silicon Valley in Cupertino, CA, De Anza College's Mike Appio is in a prime location to see and hear about the cutting-edge machining technologies and skills that are most in demand at some of the country's top companies. Appio, coordinator of De Anza's Design & Manufacturing and Technologies department, wants his program to reflect those industry needs and "stay one step ahead of the rest of the community colleges." He is turning to the Siemens LEAP program to do that.
Appio, who has been with De Anza for more than 13 years, has a DMG DMU 50 machine with a SINUMERIK 840D controller in his program. Students start their training with 3-axis machining on Haas equipment, and then work up to multi-axis machining, automation and Siemens NX.
Many of the students who enter the design and manufacturing program at De Anza have already earned bachelor's degrees, Appio said, but return to school because they need experience and training with advanced machining technology like the Siemens 840D.
"There are a lot of companies in the Silicon Valley that want to know `Do you have any machining experience?' It is not like you need 20 years under your belt, it is: `Have you run equipment? Are you familiar with equipment?'" Appio said.
Appio wants De Anza students to be able to answer that question by pointing to their work learning Siemens' Sinumerik 828D and 840D controls via the LEAP program training. He particularly favors training and certification on the 840D due to its capabilities in high-end machining.
"We want to do certification on the 840D because there are larger companies around like Northrop Grumman that are using the 840D controller on DMG MORIs as well as other machines," Appio said. "That is the direction we want to work toward, unlike other education approaches that use introductory level machines. You have got to expose students to various scenarios."
"The SinuTrain software that teaches students those basic to advanced machining skills is very close to real-world experience," Holmes said. It turns a PC screen into an exact representation of the SINUMERIK Operate interface. The numeric control kernel (NCK) that drives the software is the same NCK that drives Siemens 828D and 840D controls.
"Among SinuTrain's many features, collision avoidance is especially beneficial for students," Holmes said. "Collision avoidance is not only going to find errors in the program, but it is also going to prevent the machine from crashing, which can be very, very costly. In a learning environment, having a tool like SinuTrain with collision avoidance is incredibly beneficial."
For Appio, the LEAP program certification is important for both his students and De Anza. He said that it will set both apart from the pack.
"A certification on a Siemens 840D and 828D will put you in a whole different arena," he said. "These people thirst for something else to put on their résumé, another skill. In the whole Bay Area here, across several million people and 10 community colleges, no one is issuing these certificates. So I am giving them another avenue to get students jobs."
Holmes said that is a route that will lead to success. "The students who successfully complete LEAP, especially the 5-axis program, will be in the biggest demand and command the highest salaries in the industry," Holmes said.
Francis Tuttle Technology Center, Portland Campus-Oklahoma City
"Please write."
That is all Dean Baker was told to do when he began writing G-code for machining controls in 1979. His instructor, a Japanese engineer with little command of the English language, would show Baker a blueprint and give that simple, two-word command. Baker would do his best to write the code, and the instructor would correct his work.
"That is when it dawned on me-and it is what I tell my students now-this is a different language," Baker said. "Back then, G-code was a language by which we both could communicate, at least as far as manipulating a machine to do something for us."
Now, Baker is the one doing the teaching. He is instructor of Manufacturing Technology Machining at the Francis Tuttle Technology Center's Portland Campus in Oklahoma City. Baker's students work with, among others, a Fryer machine powered by the Siemens SINUMERIK 828D control. Baker sees LEAP and the 828D training as the next step for his program.
"It is just an awesome, awesome control," he said. "I have barely scratched the surface with it-I am excited to get in there and make some stuff."
Baker, a self-proclaimed "G-code guy," calls the conversational feature of the 828D "pretty cool." "I still teach G-code programming," said Baker, who is also secretary of the SkillsUSA board of directors. "But with conversational, that enables students to see. Instead of just, `OK, I am pushing this, and this is going to happen,' conversational teaches what is happening behind the scenes. I know what the machine is doing."
Similar to Anthony's students at Hollenstein Career and Technology Center in Texas, Baker said that the 828D's conversational programming resonates in his classes.
"I have had students understand G-code, but they are just not as good with it," he said. "Then they will get on a conversational control and-bam-it seems to fit their personality or their skill set, and they do great on it."
His classroom experience with the 828D control has pushed Baker to advocate for conversational programming supported by the Siemens SINUMERIK CNC platform in future SkillsUSA competitions.
"SkillsUSA is a very progressive organization. We always want our students to learn and our instructors and teachers to deliver the latest technology. To me, the 828D represents the latest in CNC machining technology," Baker said. "Haas does a good job putting on the CNC G-code contest right now, but as an instructor, I think we should also have a CNC conversational contest. Two different controls."
Being an instructor along with being a SkillsUSA board member gives Baker a unique and educated perspective on the organization's mission. He sees conversational as a trend that will help shape a new generation of CNC professionals, and he does not want any students left behind.
"You always have to be forward-looking," he said. "Our SkillsUSA competitions drive behavior immediately, adapting new technologies and getting them more and more common. At competitions, students introduce these new technologies at the national level. From a board directive, we want to make sure that the greatest number of students possible are able to participate."
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Siemens CNC LEAP