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Weld Systems Integrators Adds Lab Capabilities

Weld Systems Integrators (WSI) has announced new additions to its welding lab capabilities. WSI has added a new 12 kilojoule (KJ) Capacitive Discharge (CD) Welder, and a new MFDC "Fast Rise Time" Heavy-Duty Press Welder.

WSI offers projection welding of fasteners to hot-stamped / press-hardened steels, extremely-hard aluminum, stainless-steel alloys and the latest Gen III materials. "We are also committed to additional research on heat-affected zones (HAZ) and their intrusion on coatings, hardness and metallurgical changes in the weld zone," said a company spokesperson.

"WSI welcomes customers to its welding lab to experiment with their own resistance welding applications. This includes applications where reaching high weld currents nearly instantaneously is beneficial to the end results."

For more information contact:

Weld Systems Integrators, Inc.

4943 Driscoll Road

Warrensville Heights, OH 44146

844-WSI-WELD / 216-475-5629

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