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Full-Featured TIG Controls Enhance Weld Quality

Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC is designed to weld all metals with all processes, including AC and DC TIG and stick, MIG welding with solid wires (steel, stainless or aluminum) and flux-cored welding with gas-shielded and self-shielded wires.

ESAB Welding & Cutting Products offers its Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC, an all-process, portable, inverter-based welding system. Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC enables users to TIG weld with AC and DC outputs, MIG weld with solid wires (steel, stainless or aluminum), flux-cored weld with gas-shielded and self-shielded wires and stick weld.

"For professional fabricators or tradesmen who want to weld all metals with all processes and use only a single unit, the ultimate welder has always been a multi-process CC/CV power source with an AC/DC TIG output," said Doug Smith, Product Business Manager - Arc Equipment, ESAB. "We have delivered that innovation with Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC, which leverages our unique Rebel platform."

Smith noted that previous all-process units required additional controls or accessories or sacrificed arc performance in one or more processes.

"Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC offers best-in-class performance in all processes. Users were very adamant not to compromise Rebel's MIG, TIG-DC and stick capability, especially on a 120V input line. They simply wanted us to add full functional TIG-AC capability in the same Rebel housing," said Smith. The AC output can be used to TIG weld aluminum, the DC output to TIG weld mild steel or stainless steel and the MIG output to weld steel. It can weld material up to 1/4" thick in a single pass using any process.

Full-Featured TIG Controls

"Widely considered the most challenging welding process, TIG welding provides more control over the weld bead profile and appearance," said a company spokesperson. "Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC helps operators achieve better results by providing the type of advanced TIG controls found on industrial units."

Through its color TFT LCD interface, operators can adjust:

  • AC wave balance control from 60-90% electrode negative (EN). More EN improves penetration, while reducing EN adds more "cleaning action" that removes aluminum oxide.
  • AC frequency control adjustable from 25-400 Hz. Higher frequencies offer a narrower, more intense arc cone that helps direct the arc at the root of the joint in a fillet weld. They also narrow bead width and increase penetration and travel speeds.
  • Pulsed DC TIG with outputs between 1 and 500 pulses per second (PPS). Stainless steel fabricators and those working with thin metals or other heat-sensitive applications use pulsed DC TIG to control heat input, narrow the weld bead profile and increase travel speed. A slow frequency, such as 1 PPS, acts as a metronome so that welders can establish a good cadence for adding filler rod.
  • Amplitude offset. Adjust either EN or EP amperage to control the energy into the workpiece as well as cleaning action. Adjusting EN will direct more energy into the workpiece and remove heat from the tungsten to create a smaller bead profile, improve penetration and reduce preheat on thicker material while using a smaller tungsten. Increasing EP will allow additional cleaning action while maintaining a level of energy directed into the workpiece.
  • HF (high frequency) Start. HF arc starts to eliminate the need to touch the tungsten to the workpiece. Use HF TIG in applications for convenience or applications requiring non-contact arc starts. Rebel also provides for positive arc starts without HF using its Lift TIG mode.
  • Upslope (ramping up current) to prevent excessive heat input during arc start and downslope to taper current at the end of a weld to help prevent crater cracking.

"When designing Rebel EMP 205ic AC/DC, ESAB maintained all the features and benefits users of other Rebel multiprocess welders find most beneficial," said the spokesperson. These include true multi-process performance (especially welding with 6010 electrodes on 120V input line), 120V to 230V primary power flexibility, compact portability (the unit weighs 49 lbs.), sMIG (smart MIG) technology, five-handle lift points, TFT LCD operator interface, dual gas solenoid valves for connecting two different gases simultaneously and a rugged steel housing." The unit has a maximum output of 235 amps/26 volts for MIG/Flux-Cored welding, 180 amps/27.2 volts for Stick welding and 205 amps/18.2 volts for TIG welding.

"Rebel's sMIG provides for quick and easy results when short circuit MIG welding," added the spokesperson. "The sMIG function monitors the operator's technique and continuously adapts to provide a stable arc and enhanced, repeatable welds. Professionals get the job done faster, while beginners can focus on good technique instead of setting parameters."

For more information contact:

ESAB Welding & Cutting Products

256 Midway Drive

Union, SC 29379

800-ESAB-123 / 864-466-0921

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