Tool Grinder for Large Tools and Long Batch Grinding
April 1, 2016
Rollomatic has announced two new options on its CNC 5-axis tool grinding machine designed to allow high efficiency production grinding of rotary carbide cutting tools up to 20 mm (3/4") as well as increased automatic loading capacity. In addition, Rollomatic offers new software on its pinch/peel grinding machine for non-round precision punches. Rollomatic will display the machine capabilities and new features.
The GrindSmart 529XW 5-axis tool grinder with 6-station wheel/nozzle changer features a synchronous grinding spindle with new technology that allows higher torque and better surface finishes. In addition, the loader capacity has been increased to accommodate 50% more blanks. The Probe-Manager assists in keeping close tolerances by in-process gauging.
The ShapeSmart NP5 5-axis peel/pinch grinding machine is built for form punches. The new technology is based on the pinch and peel grinding process that facilitates the simultaneous engagement of a roughing wheel and a finishing wheel. Additionally, it allows synchronized interpolation between the longitudinal and transversal axes in relation to the shape of the tool for peel grinding of triangular, square, eccentric or any other shape.
For more information contact:
Rollomatic Inc. USA
1295 Armour Blvd.
Mundelein, IL 60060
Mfg4 Booth 1721
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