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August 2024

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New CMMs, Advanced Metrology Software and Accessories

New SLK-25 Laser Scanner

LK ALTERA C HA (High-Accuracy) CMM

LK Metrology, Inc. will be exhibiting a variety of new products in booth 134338 in the East Building, Level 3.

Five different CMMs will be displayed and demonstrated, including: the new shop floor ready LK ALTERA SF equipped with an SLK25 laser scanner; the ALTERA S SCANtec 5 equipped with a Renishaw REVO-2 5-axis scanning system; the new ALTERA C HA high-accuracy CMM; the ALTO 6x5 Bench Top CMM equipped with a PH20 probe; and a manual ALTO 6.5.5.

LK will be demonstrating the newest version of its CAMIO measurement, programming simulation, analysis and reporting software. In addition, the new Industry 4 Metrology Gate, LK's portal for remote inspection monitoring, and the advanced version of TouchDMIS CMM software will also be shown and demonstrated. Other CMM software like Renishaw Modus, Polyworks and CMM Manager that are frequently used with LK Metrology CMMs will also be available for demonstration.

Related accessory products to be seen will include LK's new TSRS-5-Port Storage Rack, Styli Cleaner and LK's CMM Checking Gage.

For more information contact:

LK Metrology, Inc.

29550 W.K. Smith Drive, Unit B

New Hudson, MI 48165


IMTS East Building, Level 3

Booth 134338

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