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Die Design and Forming Simulation Software

Accurate Die Design Software Inc. is the American distributor for SOLIDWORKS-based LogoPress Die Design software, as well as being the American distributor for Stampack Forming Simulation software.

LogoPress has been developing die design software for the tool & die industry, as well as flattening and blank prediction software, for many kinds of parts since 1989. In December 2018, LogoPress became part of AutoForm Group. As such, LogoPress ProgSim (powered by AutoForm) can do forming simulation inside of SOLIDWORKS DieDesign or DieDesign PREMIUM. The new ProgSimX can simulate any size part, whereas previous versions of ProgSim were limited in the size parts they could simulate.

"LogoPress is recognized as a world-class provider of die design software and is especially noted to be the only company in the world that has real-time videos showing the entire process of a die design. It is noted to be very fast and very user-friendly as can be seen in the hundreds of real-time videos on YouTube," said a spokesperson.

Stampack is next-generation forming simulation software that runs as a standalone product. It is user-friendly and speaks the language of the toolmaker.

"Created by toolmakers for toolmakers, users find the interface to be clear and straightforward and appreciate the automation found during the set-up process," said the spokesperson. "Having both shell and solid solvers included in Stampack makes it very fast and very accurate. Switching from a shell simulation to a solid simulation in Stampack is as simple as a single mouse click and the creation of a 3D solid blank. The extreme accuracy of the results in Trim Optimization (automatic blank development), Springback Compensation and Tolerance Check are all due to the solid simulation analyzing all the elements throughout the entire material thickness. The solid solver is capable of simulating coining, ironing, deep-drawing and other cold-forming operations that competing software cannot recognize."

Stampack accurately simulates everything from large automotive line dies, transfer dies and progressive dies, to small progressive dies making tiny electrical and medical parts.

For more information contact:

Accurate Die Design Software

200 S Executive Drive, Suite 101

Brookfield, WI 53005


IMTS East Building, Level 3

Booth 135800

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