Video Optical Comparator Technology
April 1, 2014
"Optical comparators are a mainstay of shop-floor measurement, with rugged construction and a large viewing screen. Vision measurement systems offer the advantages of full automation and highly functional software, but cannot match a comparator for shop floor toughness," said a CPP spokesperson. VidiProbe from Certified Comparator Products (CPP) provides both by embedding a high resolution video camera in the optics of a comparator, allowing the system to function as a traditional analog comparator or as a fully automatic vision system.
VidiProbe's internal video camera is positioned to view the image formed by the comparator optics, allowing parts to be digitally analyzed and measured instantly on a separate computer screen. VidiProbe allows operators to automate inspections.
"Advanced video measuring software also improves accuracy, measuring hundreds of points per feature in the time a typical edge sensor would measure a few. Measurement software not only allows for accurate measurement of a range of feature geometries, it can also apply dynamic tolerances, construct features from multiple measurements and compare actual measurements directly to CAD models," said the spokesperson.
VidiProbe pairs fully automatic video measuring technology with a traditional optical comparator. The integrated high-resolution video camera is positioned to view the image of the part formed by the comparator optics, allowing the image to be measured with Measure-X 2D software. The VidiProbe option is available on 14", 16" and 20" comparators.
For more information contact:
Timothy Fantauzzo
VP of Sales & Marketing
1174 Grange Hall Road
Beavercreek, OH 45430
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