Mazak invites aerospace, medical and other part manufacturers to its Discover More With Mazak Technology and Education Event taking place May 6 and 7 from 9 AM to 7 PM at the company's Northeast Technology Center in Windsor Locks, CT. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience total manufacturing solutions as well as learn new machining techniques for boosting productivity and profitability. The company will also host a special student day on May 8 to promote lucrative, high-tech careers within the manufacturing industry.
At the event, Mazak will perform part-cutting demonstrations on a wide variety of new machines that will be on display for the first time in the Northeast, including: the VERTICAL CENTER UNIVERSAL 400 with a 3-axis table for cutting basic workpiece geometries; VERTICAL CENTER UNIVERSAL 400 5X with a 5-axis rotary/tilt table for processing complex parts; VARIAXIS i-700 with simultaneous 5-axis technology for multiple and complex surface machining; INTEGREX i-100 BARTAC-S Multi-Tasking machine with an LNS bar feeder with ship set capability; QUICK TURN SMART 250M turning center with live tooling capabilities; INTEGREX i-630V Multi-Tasking and 5-axis machine for processing parts up to 39" in diameter; INTEGREX i-100S Multi-Tasking machine; HYPER QUADREX 150 MSY Multi-Tasking solution with pinch milling and pinch turning capabilities; and HORIZONTAL CENTER NEXUS 4000 with a preengineered PALLETECH automation system.
Application engineers will be available throughout the event to answer questions and discuss all aspects of the manufacturing process, including cutting tools, workholding, software and automation. Mazak encourages attendees to present their toughest part production challenges so its engineers and technicians can offer solution ideas for overcoming such difficulties.
Mazak will also demonstrate the productivity power of MTConnect, an open-source, royalty-free manufacturing protocol, and how it improves the utilization of manufacturing equipment and boosts productivity. In fact, Mazak uses MTConnect in its Florence, KY, based North American Manufacturing Plant in a variety of ways, including monitoring the utilization of individual machines and entire manufacturing cells, error handling and cycle time validation.
For more information contact:
Steve Wilkins
Mazak Northeast Technology Center
700 Old County Cir.
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
800-436-8900 / 860-292-4400