New Hyundai WIA i-CUT380Ti
Compumachine will host a New England style Surf 'n' Turf CNC Open House on Thursday, October 10th from 10 AM to 6:30 PM at its Danvers, MA, technical center and headquarters. The one-day event will feature over 10 machine tools under power for live demonstrations.
Major machine tool brands to be demonstrated include: Hyundai WIA, Hanwha Swiss, Amada Wasino, Yama Seiki and Okamoto, representing a mix of vertical/horizontal machining centers, drill/tap machining centers, turning centers, 5-axis machining centers, multi-tasking machines, Swiss turning machines and automatic grinders. Among them, Compumachine will unveil a new drill tap machine center, Hyundai WIA iCUT380Ti, 12,000 RPM, X=21" Y=15" Z=14", with rapid speed of 2,362 IPM.
The open house will also feature two free technical seminars.
- Practical 5-Axis Machining - 10:30 AM ~ 1 PM, with a few speakers to cover 5-axis manufacturing from different aspects with Q&A for all.
- 5-Axis Machine Configurations and Applications by Compumachine
- Applying 5-Axis Machining Technology to the Job Shop of Today by Siemens
- Impacting 5-Axis Machine Accuracy with MasterCAM by CNC Software
- Hyundai WIA Hi-MOLD560/5A, 5-Axis Live Cutting Demo
- Practical Shop Automation - 2:30 PM ~ 4 PM
- The Power of in Process Control by Renishaw Probe
- Technology in Automation by Amada Wasino.
An authentic New England style lunch will be served starting at 1:30 PM and will include lobster, sirloin and clam chowder. Beverages, hors d'oeuvres and BBQ will also be served throughout the event.
While the open house is open to all, the seminars will have limited space for seating, so it's strongly advised that attendees register in advance at www.compumachine.com.
For more information contact:
Compumachine Inc.
6 Electronics Avenue
Danvers, MA 01923