VMC with Auto Pallet Changer
January 1, 2020
Fortune has added a new model from the existing vertical machining center (VMC) called Vcenter-P76/APC (auto pallet changer) standard with FANUC Oi-MF and 10.4" display + AICC2 (200 blocks look ahead) + MGi as standard on this model.
Vcenter-P76 features (standard):
- FANUC control, spindle and servo system
- High rapid feedrate: 1890/1890/1260 IMP
- High acceleration: 0.7G/0.7G/0.5G
- High speed spindle: 12,000 RPM standard, (optional 15,000 RPM)
- Higher power spindle: 25 HP
- Spindle chiller
- BCV-40 spindle
- More tools (30 tools), (optional 40 tools)
- Roller type LM guides
- Three augers (2+1)
- Tool magazine with auto door for ATC to avoid chips and coolants.
Auto pallet changer (APC) features
- APC mechanism seated on ground for high rigidity
- Pallet dimension: 28.34" x 15.75"
- Linear scales and 4th axis can be installed
- Control panel at right side for easy operation.
For more information contact:
Fortune International Inc.
56 Veronica Ave.
Somerset, NJ 08873
888-306-9470 / 732-214-0700
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