Flint Machine Tools has partnered with TOS Trade North America to present the new high-performance TOS WHT 130L, a horizontal machine tool suitable for demanding operations that require precise drilling, gear cutting, turning operations or milling. The flexibility of the machine's configuration offers a machine tailored to users' needs. It includes the basic set-up of a 4-axis horizontal drill with extending spindle right up to a full-fledged 5-axis multifunctional machining center with lathe, milling and drilling operations. Its flexible technology is extended with a range of suitable accessories that can be attached to the machine manually or in fully automated mode. The machine is also complemented by automatic tool change and automatic pallet change for manufactured pieces. The machine can be used even under the most demanding applications in the aeronautical and automotive industries, energy, the oil industry and most importantly because of its universality, in general engineering applications.
The WHT 130L is a fully enclosed milling and boring machine with a T-shaped bed configuration with a laterally adjustable rotary table, or a palette, or with a turning table and a longitudinally adjustable column. The machine has a compact design with integrated milling management and a coolant circuit. The basic machine model has five fully controlled axes, CNC controlled spindle revolutions and an angular positioning function. The standard control system is HEIDENHAIN TNC640. These machine tools are fitted with AC-digital actuators to drive machine feeds and with an AC digital spindle drive by Siemens. Upon request, another control system can be provided (e.g. Sinumerik 840 D SL, FANUC 31i).
The machine has a left-hand design; i.e., its headstock is on the operator's left-hand side (when looking at a turning area from the operator's site).
The WHT 130L features maximum machine dimensions: X=5,000 mm, Y=3,000 mm and Z=3,000 mm, 130 mm primary spindle diameter; two types of central headstocks: 4,000 RPM, 31 kW, 3,200 Nm and 5,000 RPM, 41 kW, 1,718 Nm, temperature monitoring and compensation on the machine; a wide choice of clamping devices: rotary table with a capacity up to 20,000 kg, carousel table with a diameter of 2,000 mm and 250 RPM, up to four automatically changeable pallets, linear guideways in X, Y and Z axes that ensure a high accuracy and strength of the guide with a very low friction coefficient. "The basic parts of the frame (tables, palettes, longitudinal and transverse beds) are made of the highest quality grey cast iron of Czech origin, 25,000 mm/min. and 36,000 mm/min. high feed speeds in X, Y, Z axes, and automatic replacement of special accessories with two storage points and a cover plate. This multitasking machine is suitable both for single-piece and batch production," said a company spokesperson.
For more information contact:
Flint Machine Tools
3710 Hewatt Ct.
Snellville, GA 30039
770-985-2626 / 800-984-2620