Weight Transmitter Videos Illustrate Speedy Integration into PLC
May 1, 2018
METTLER TOLEDO has released two new videos that show how it takes only three minutes from configuration to live weighing results when integrating the ACT350 weight transmitter into a Siemens or Allen Bradley PLC via PROFINET or EtherNet/IP.
"Customers often prefer PLC and network technologies, which forces machine manufacturers to re-engineer their control technology again and again. The videos show how METTLER TOLEDO has solved that common problem for machine manufacturers. The videos illustrate how integration of the ACT350 into Siemens and Allen Bradley PLCs is easy and fast," said a company spokesperson.
About the ACT350
METTLER TOLEDO's ACT350 weight transmitter can be integrated with the most common PLC and network technologies, saving time and effort for the machine builder. It provides 600 filtered weight values per second for measuring fast weighing processes with an accuracy of 3,000e OIML and 3,000d NTEP. There is no need for additional software filtering to eliminate vibrations in the PLC program. That enables fast and precise filling, sorting and batching processes to increase throughput and profitability.
Dual-port industrial Ethernet supports daisy-chain and ring-network topologies PROFINET IO and EtherNet/IP. That simplifies installation of multi-transmitter weighing applications, saving space in the control cabinet and money for a switch.
For more information contact:
Mettler-Toledo, LLC
1900 Polaris Parkway
Columbus, OH 43240
800-METTLER (638-8537)
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