High-Resolution Power Sensor for Low Power Cuts
May 1, 2018
Caron Engineering's newest sensor option is a high-resolution (24 bit) USB power sensor. This sensor provides enhanced resolution at lower power cuts in the 0 - 23 HP range. This higher resolution allows monitoring very small tools (less than 1 mm), right angle heads and other applications where the measured cutting power is too small to be captured with a typical power transducer. Specifically, Swiss-type machines are used for smaller, more precise parts, with super-small tools and thus need more data sampling rates in the low HP range.
This high-resolution power sensor has debuted as a new sensor option for Caron Engineering's product DTect-IT, a monitoring system that communicates with custom USB sensors to detect machine irregularities. DTect-IT communicates with multiple USB sensor options including vibration, strain, analog and now, high resolution power. The USB connection offers easier installation and maintenance due to the modular design inherent to USB architecture.
DTect-IT is capable of monitoring the slightest cutting operations with power. A 1 mm spot drill is easily detected. A subsequent 1 mm peck drill operation is captured on the monitoring graph, showing each individual peck through the material, with enhanced resolution.
Caron Engineering has typically monitored micro-tools with strain and vibration sensors. With the new high-resolution power sensor, DTect-IT can detect tool wear and breakage based on the measured power of the small cutting tools.
Monitoring can be initialized through the CNC, manually on the DTect-IT touchscreen, or via physical I/O Using limits for wear, extreme and undercut, DTect-IT can be programmed to alert the user when the power load on the tool goes above the user-defined wear or extreme limit. Using an undercut limit, DTect-IT can also detect an absence of cutting power and alert the CNC if the tool did not perform its operation.
For more information contact:
Caron Engineering, Inc.
1931 Sanford Rd.
Wells, ME 04090
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