Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (standing) thanks Gene Haas for the support eKAMI received in the form of a $1.5 million grant made by the Gene Haas Foundation. (l-r, seated): Kathy Walker, Founder and Director of HAAS-eKentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute, Gene Haas, Founder and President of Haas Automation Inc.

The 40,000 sq. ft. HAAS-eKentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute (eKAMI) in Paintsville, KY.

(l-r) Aaron Evans, Application Engineer, HFO Midwest; Trevor Grant, Engineering Manager, HFO Midwest; Toni Neary, Director of Education, MGI Haas Tower Services; Greg Racicot, Regional Sales Engineer, HFO Midwest; Scott Opel, Sales Manager, HFO Midwest; Gov. Matt Bevin; Kathy Walker, Founder and Director of HAAS-eKAMI; Peter Zierhut, Education and Government Relations Manager at Haas Automation; and David Barber, Marketing Manager MGI Haas Tower Services.

Kurt Zierhut, Vice President of Haas Automation Inc., speaks with students currently enrolled at the HAAS-eKentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute.
The HAAS-eKentucky Advanced Manufacturing Institute (eKAMI) held its grand opening celebration recently in Paintsville, KY. During the celebration, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, Haas Automation Inc. Founder and President Gene Haas, US Army Col. Jack Dill and eKAMI Founder and Director Kathy Walker spoke before a crowd of over 250 attendees. Attendees included government officials, eastern Kentucky workforce development representatives, educators, students, industry professionals and business owners.
"This is an exciting day," Bevin said. "For Kentucky to remain the center for excellence in America for engineering and manufacturing, we need a steady supply of the most qualified and highly trained workers. The opening of HAAS' eKAMI, as well as its partnership with the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, will provide the next generation of Kentucky's skilled workforce with training opportunities in both Haas CNC machines and robotics."
The ribbon cutting for the 40,000 sq. ft. workforce training facility is a step towards making the "vision of a transformed Appalachian region" a reality, Walker added. According to Walker, HAAS-eKAMI, offers students a 16-week training programs for positions in advanced manufacturing with the goal of "diversifying the region's economy and finding sustainable answers, about taking our hard-working Appalachian workforce of today and preparing them for the jobs of tomorrow."
The program utilizes 12 state-of-the-art HAAS CNC machine tools to train students for positions that include machinists, machine builders and tool maintenance technicians in aerospace and advanced manufacturing industries.
The development of the HAAS Technical Education Center (HTEC) in east Kentucky was the product of a collaborative effort among many stakeholders with a common passion. Along with the strong support of the governor and the project's first financial contribution of $1.5 million from the Gene Haas Foundation, Haas Factory Outlet, a Division of Midwest Manufacturing Resources, has been involved since eKAMI's inception, providing technical, educational and financial resources.
Gene Haas noted how "enticing" the modern, clean, bright and high-tech atmosphere of eKAMI will be to those considering a career in manufacturing. He added, "I have a passion for what I do, but congratulations for those with a vision to put all the pieces together here in eastern Kentucky," referring to the work done by Walker to get eKAMI established.
Walker concluded, "We are confident that the `Miners-to-Machinists' initiative of east Kentucky will make a meaningful contribution to the manufacturing renaissance in America."
For more information contact:
HFO Midwest - A Div. of
Midwest Mfg. Resources Inc.
95 Commercial Way
Springsboro, OH 45066
eKentucky Advanced Manufacturing
Institute (eKAMI)
P.O. Box 1718
228 Main Street, Suite 209
Paintsville, KY 41240