Laserdyne Model 430 (left) and Laserdyne Model 795 (right) are designed for precision cutting, welding, and drilling 2D and 3D components.
Prima Power Laserdyne will be available to discuss the latest in laser processing solutions at Farnborough International Airshow, Hampshire, England, July 14-20, 2014, Hall One, C15A-C15B. These include the Laserdyne 430, Laserdyne 795, and the newest generation of BeamDirector; as well as the impact of fiber lasers on precision laser processing and the increasing challenging requirement for precision beam placement.
Laserdyne 430 Series
The Laserdyne 430 Series of systems is designed for cutting, welding and drilling of 2D and 3D component parts requiring exact precision. It offers a suite of standard options and multiple configurations from 3 to 6 axes for processing parts in various market segments requiring manufacturing flexibility, rapid prototyping and quick changeovers.
This laser system can be integrated with Laserdyne's BeamDirector motion and process control capabilities in a highly space efficient platform when coupled with a fiber laser. The 430 BeamDirector is capable of drilling advanced shaped holes, cutting and welding a wide range of materials.
The third generation BeamDirector features Laserdyne's exclusive contouring head that provides C (rotary) axis motion of 900 degrees, and D (tilt) axis motion of 300 degrees. This positioning capability of a BeamDirector with a rotary table provides a six-axis system enabling new manufacturing processes while improving existing ones.
Additional feature include: Automatic Focus Control, patented Optical Focus Control (OFC), ShapeSoft and BreakThrough Detection.
"The Laserdyne 430 BeamDirector operates at speeds up to 0-20 m/min (0-800 inch/min) in all linear axes with bidirectional accuracy of 12.7 micrometer (0.0005 inch). This accuracy is throughout the system's 585 x 408 x 508 mm work envelope, making it ideal for demanding processing requiring validation and reliability," said a company spokesperson.
Laserdyne Model 795
The Laserdyne 795 system is designed to drill, cut and weld medium to large volume 3D components with a minimum of setups. Its unique moving beam motion system includes a full complement of Laserdyne hardware and software features. It is the first and only standard multi-axis laser system guaranteeing volumetric accuracy within this large volume.
The 795 is designed for flexibility of motion and tight tolerances in applications including hole drilling in combustion liners, hydroformed exhaust and heat shield components, nozzle guide vanes and blades; trimming of stamped and spun parts and producing shaped holes for land-based and aero turbine components.
With higher velocity and acceleration, the third generation BD3 BeamDirector has the exclusive Laserdyne contouring head design with C (rotary) axis travel of 900 degrees, and D (tilt) axis travel of 300 degrees. Among its many new features for improved accuracy and repeatability are: higher assist gas pressures, enhanced optical encoders, an adjustable mirror design for easy and accurate beam alignment, and cassette mounted lens and cover slides for quick, accurate changeover.
The system also includes the Laserdyne S94P control, which includes a full complement of standard hardware and software features. Additional features include: Automatic Focus Control, patented Optical Focus Control (OFC), Drill At Focus, Hole Diameter Compensation, ShapeSoft and Breakthrough Detection.
Accuracy of the new 795 XLS system is certified to ISO 230-1:1996 and 230-2:2006 in accordance with Prima Power Laserdyne standard accuracy and repeatability test procedures. The BD3 BeamDirector laser contouring head continues to have a five-year warranty for crash related incidents.
Get ideas and find answers to your laser system requirements and questions at Farnborough International Airshow, Hampshire England, July 14-20 2014, Hall One, C15AC15B. As one of the worlds largest air displays, Farnborough 2014 provides a wealth of dedicated and focused platforms. At FIA 2012 $72 Billion worth of orders were announced.
For more information contact:
Prima Power Laserdyne
8600 109th Avenue North, #400
Champlin, MN 55316
Farnborough International Airshow Hall One, C15A-C15B