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New "i" Series Machines Include Motion Control

Hurco will showcase its completely revamped CNC machine tool line. Machines on display include the VMX42i 3-axis mill, the VMX42SRTi 5-axis mill, the VMX24HSi high-speed mill and the mill turn TMX8MYSi multitasking lathe with sub-spindle. "All of these "i" series mills include UltiMotion, Hurco's patented motion control system that simultaneously improves surface finish quality and reduces cycle time by up to 30 percent. Additionally, all demonstrations will highlight the power of the Hurco integrated control technology that makes Hurco customers more productive and more profitable," said a company spokesperson.

VMX42SRTi 5-Axis Mill - "The swivel-head design of the Hurco 5-axis VMX42SRTi features a flush rotary table that is embedded, which provides an additional 3.5 inches of clearance in the Z-axis to support taller parts. Additionally, the rotary table operates with unlimited angular movement, which reduces cycle times because the table isn't forced to unwind multiple times during the machining cycle, as tables that are limited to +/- 360 degrees are forced to do. Basic specifications of the VMX42SRTi include X/Y/Z travels of 42/24/24 inches, a 12K integral spindle, a 40-station swing-arm automatic tool changer, X/Y/Z rapids of 1,378/1,378/1,181 IPM and the integrated Hurco control that includes both conversational and NC programming modes," said the spokesperson.

VMX24HSi High Speed Machining Mill - The VMX24HSi is the first High Speed Machining (HSM) mill Hurco has introduced in Europe. "The VMX24HSi (X/Y/Z travels of 24/20/24 inches) is equipped with direct drive servos and other premium components to promote speed, accuracy and repeatability," said a Hurco representative. The integral spindle has an 18k base speed spindle and is equipped with ABEC-7 ceramic hybrid bearings to manage the thermal issues associated with HSM. The air-over-oil spindle lubrication distributes oil evenly to the bearings and the faster Automatic Tool Changer with HSK tooling has a chip-to-chip time of 4.5 seconds.

"While spindle speed, tooling and machine rigidity are important aspects to the success of the HSM process, having a control that has the memory and processing power to handle the advanced tool paths generated by CAM systems is equally important. The Hurco integrated control is optimized for HSM with a 64-GB Solid State Drive, two gigabytes (2 GB) of memory, a 2-GHz Dual Core Intel Processor, processing speed up to 2,277 BPS, and Dynamic Variable Look-Ahead capable of up to 10,000 blocks," said the representative.

VMX42i 3-Axis Mill - "The VMX42i, is designed from the ground up to withstand the high velocities and accelerations of today's applications. It starts with a heavy, ribbed frame made of fine grain, high-grade cast iron. The double-nut, pre-tensioned ball screws are anchored at both ends for increased accuracy and rigidity. The linear rails on all Hurco machines are larger, and spaced for increased strength. The rails are wedge locked to a machined shoulder, which makes the machine more robust, instead of simply mounting them to a single surface," said the representative.

TMX8MYSi Mill Turn Lathe - The TMX8MYSi will represent Hurco's line of slant-bed lathes with live tooling and sub-spindles. The Hurco turning center has a programmable synchronous sub-spindle with C-axis control and bi-directional part transfer capability in addition to other specifications, such as rapids of 950 (X-axis) and 1,200 (Z-axis), peak spindle motor horsepower of 37.3, and a live tool turret with Y-axis capability. "The all-digital control, drives, and motors with absolute encoders on all linear axes result in superior surface finish capability," said the spokesperson.

For more information contact:

Hurco Companies, Inc.

One Technology Way

P.O. Box 68180

Indianapolis, IN 46268


Hall 12-Stand D60

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