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Portable Inline Fluid Reclamation Solution

The latest Eriez SumpDoc portable inline fluid reclamation machine makes SumpDoc units more affordable and easier to use in a smaller footprint.

SumpDoc combines both sump cleaning and tramp oil removal in one package. "This product line serves as a cost-effective alternative to a central fluid recycling system or batch processing," said a company spokesperson. "It supplies complete coolant restoration and rejuvenation treatment of the metalworking fluids in the machine tool sump with minimal operator interface. There is no interruption in the production cycle or need to transport fluids. The portable SumpDoc can be wheeled next to a machine tool, parts washer or rinse tank to provide full-service fluid reclamation in a simple two-step process."

The updated SumpDoc is simple to operate, compact and lightweight. The small footprint allows an operator to easily maneuver the unit around the plant and access previously hard to reach sumps without difficulty.

The SumpDoc also features an improved user interface that makes it possible for plant staff to quickly put the machine into operation and begin realizing the operational and financial benefits of maintaining clean coolant.

The main components of the SumpDoc include: sump cleaner for removal of chips and solids 50-micron and larger, pleated bag filter and housing for removal of solids down to 10 micron, high speed centrifuge for removal of emulsified tramp oil and fines down to three to five micron, an ozone generator for microbiological treatment of coolants and electrical controls with touchscreen dashboard.

To learn more about SumpDoc portable inline fluid reclamation machines online, visit

For more information contact:

Eriez Manufacturing Co.

2200 Asbury Road

Erie, PA 16506

800-345-4946 / 814-835-6000

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