High Feed Drilling Solution
April 1, 2020
Iscar's new Logic3Cham, the next evolution in the Sumocham family of self-clamped replaceable carbide tipped drills, is designed to boost drilling productivity up to 50%. "The 3-flute design accomplishes this with advanced technologies, producing smaller chips that help in chip evacuation, which is usually a major limiting factor in successful drilling at high feedrates. The user-friendly system allows for quick change of the drilling head on the machine with no set-up time," said a company spokesperson.
Logic3cham drill heads are available in diameter ranges of .472" to 1.020" in .004" increments. "The drill head geometry is suitable for both ISO P and ISO K material, and with a PVD TiAlN coating will provide prolonged/predictable tool life," said the spokesperson. The patented concave cutting edge and self-centering point allow for easy initial hole start on surfaces with up to 12° of inclination without the need to machine a flat or pilot hole. The unique wavy cutting edges help to produce smaller chips for easier chip evacuation, while a patented robust chisel point and gash angle help withstand high cutting forces. The 15° chamfered corners increase wear resistance and strengthen the corner.
The drill bodies are available in 1.5, 3 and 5 x D with both a cylindrical shank as well as a flat. The 3-flute drill design not only allows for higher feedrates with the additional flute, but also provides an inherently stable drill with helical margins capable of handling challenging machining environments that occur during interrupted drilling operations. The increased stability not only improves drill head life, but body life as well.
The new closed pocket design avoids plastic deformation, allowing rigid clamping and increased number of drill head indexes. The bodies also feature large polished flutes to aid in chip evacuation. Drill bodies below .591" will accept five different drill head sizes for .020" drill diameter range while utilizing the same body. The larger drill bodies will allow for 10 drill head size changes for .040" drill diameter range.
The Logic3Cham is designed to not only boost machining productivity, but also improve hole quality in regards to size, finish and roundness.
For more information contact:
ISCAR Metals, Inc.
300 Westway Place
Arlington, TX 76018
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