Andrew McDaniel
InfinityQS International, Inc. has appointed Andrew McDaniel as Director of Sales. With over a decade of sales leadership experience, McDaniel is responsible for the strategic planning and guidance of the InfinityQS sales team in support of ongoing business development and client success.
"Prior to joining InfinityQS, Andrew held numerous other sales leadership positions, helping organizations in a variety of markets see consistent year-over-year growth in overall sales revenue, lead development and successful customer engagement," said a company spokesperson. "In his new role at InfinityQS, Andrew will further fortify the company's position as the market leader in Quality Intelligence solutions-providing manufacturers with unified visibility, knowledge and understanding of their quality data and global operations." Previously, McDaniel held sales management roles at Cloudistics, RainKing Solutions (now DiscoverOrg) and K12 Inc., where he led sales and business development teams and oversaw training and quality assurance initiatives.
Michael Lyle, President and CEO, InfinityQS, said, "Since the launch of our pioneering cloud platform, Enact, we have seen tremendous growth through a focus on corporate quality. Because Enact is cloud native, our sales teams have been able to pursue larger, multi-plant deals-increasing the size of our average sale, with ongoing revenue for years to come. I am confident that Andrew's expertise and leadership will be invaluable to our continued success, as more manufacturers discover the transformative potential of real-time and aggregated quality data."
McDaniel added, "I am proud to join a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who work hard every day to advance not only the InfinityQS brand, but also Quality Intelligence-to the benefit of the manufacturing industry at large. InfinityQS offers truly powerful solutions for modern process control, enabling manufacturers to turn their quality-specific data into tangible process enhancements, cost reductions and brand differentiation."
For more information contact:
InfinityQS International, Inc.
12601 Fair Lakes Circle, Suite 250
Fairfax, VA 22033