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Manufacturing Systems for Precision Metal Components

The VL 3 DUO is a complete production system for chucked parts.

The VL 3 DUO is equipped with two separate machining areas to allow short cycle and set-up times.

The TransLift is responsible for the complete transport of parts and not only takes care of loading and unloading, but also changes the parts between operations.

At EASTEC, EMAG will feature manufacturing systems for precision metal components with a special focus on the creation of components in the aerospace and automotive industries.

On display will be EMAG's VL 3 DUO, a multi-spindle machine for productive manufacturing of chucked parts. This twin-spindle machine solution is especially suited for productive manufacturing of chucked parts up to 6" in diameter and integrates all of the most recent EMAG technological developments, including a self-loading spindle, TrackMotion automation system and modular machine design, while maintaining a minimum footprint.

For more information contact:

Kirk Stewart

Vice President of Sales


38800 Grand River Ave.

Farmington Hills, MI 48335


EASTEC 2019 Booth 1045

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