BENZ Inc., in association with 5ME, has introduced a cryogenic angle head for the machining of titanium, Inconel and hardened steel applications.
Each angle head is designed by BENZ to fit the specific machine tool and customer application. Most of the time, the head can be easily tool changed, fit safely into tight areas of the part and clear part/fixture interferences. The head is adapted with the 5ME Cryogenic insolated tubing to ensure the -321° nitrogen does not freeze the head but allows the nitrogen to safely pass through from the machine spindle to the cutter.
To utilize the BENZ cryogenic angle head, the machine tool must be equipped with the 5ME Cryogenic System.
Advantages include:
- Increased processing speeds - Cut more parts in the same amount of time, lowering the cost per piece
- Decreased tool wear - Tools last longer; less downtime due to worn tools
- Improved surface integrity and part quality
- Environmentally-friendly green manufacturing
- Eliminate coolant oils, mist collection, filtration and disposal of coolant waste
- Chips and workpieces remain dry and uncontaminated for a safer work area
and higher value recycling
- There is no contamination of the work environment in the form of fumes and
slippery surfaces
- Nitrogen is not a greenhouse gas
- Eliminates management, infrastructure and additives associated with flood
- Eliminates cleaners needed to remove coolant residue from machine and
- No stick factor with dry chips, possible reduction of part washers.
For more information contact:
1095 6th Street Ct. SE
Hickory, NC 28602-4361