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KNUTH Machine Tools USA Announces New President

KNUTH Machine Tools USA has promoted Frank Fontana to President of the North, Central and South American branch of the KNUTH global enterprise.

Fontana joined the company in 2010 as a territory sales representative - earning salesman of the year multiple times and eventually working his way up to sales manager. During his tenure as vice president of sales, Fontana expanded KNUTH's distribution network both domestically and into new international markets. More recently, he introduced the five-year warranty program. Fontana said, "The experience has been unparalleled by anything else in my career, with the opportunity to travel to Latin America, Europe and Asia - even meeting the Gov. of Illinois. I truly enjoy serving our customers and plan to advance the growth of our dynamic company."

For more information contact:

KNUTH Machine Tools USA

590 Bond St.

Lincolnshire, IL 60069


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