Brush-On Instant Blackeners for Metals
June 1, 2016
Birchwood Technologies three brush-on metal blackeners - Presto Black BST4, Antique Black M24 and Aluma Black A14 - are now available in smaller, quart sized (32 oz.) bottles for easier application and handling, at a lower price point.
Presto Black BST4 Brush-On is engineered for most iron and steel components. It is designed for application on any size part in limited quantities. "It solves the application challenges of immersion liquid products while producing a high quality, durable black finish," said a company spokesperson. It can be sealed with a rust-preventative for extra finish protection.
Antique Black M24 Brush-On provides blackening or browning of brass, bronze and copper alloys. It produces US10B finishes on large architectural surfaces, sculptures and engravings - either new or reconditioned components. Reaction speed and finish color can be controlled by diluting the concentrate with water. It can be used undiluted for darker finishes or diluted 1-50% for slower reactions and lighter, brown tones.
Aluma Black A14 Brush-On is designed just for aluminum alloys. It provides a black finish. It can be applied undiluted to blacken entire parts or used as a touch-up for black anodized parts that have been damaged or re-machined. It is engineered for all types of aluminum parts including engravings.
For more information contact:
Birchwood Technologies
7900 Fuller Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-9702
800-328-6156 / 952-937-7931
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