Large Part Vacuum Dryer
June 1, 2016
Bertsche Vacuum Dryer is either a standalone drying system or integrated in automation cells when bone-dry parts are a critical part of final part condition. Parts are manually or robot loaded to a part nest pallet then shuttled to the vacuum drying station were residual water or fluids are evaporated leaving the part completely dry. Options include pre vacuum dry part heater, air blast dry tunnel, to remove excess water (prior to vacuum drying) and / or IR heater element in vacuum chamber. The unit is standalone PLC controlled or part of a field bus network with robot interface.
Vacuum drying is a process that relies on evaporation. The workpiece is placed on a part loading slide where it is shuttled into position for drying. The chamber hood comes down over the part to form a sealed vessel and the vacuum pump is used to rapidly evacuate the vessel to an absolute pressure of 3-7 torr. The vapor pressure of water is thus reduced to a point where it will evaporate at or below 40 F.
For more information contact:
Bertsche Engineering Corporation
711 Dartmouth Lane
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-6902
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