Beta Tools 951 hex key wrench

Beta Tools #96BPA offset hex key wrench
Peerless Hardware has introduced to the North American market the 951 hex key wrench and the offset hex key wrench by Beta Tools of Italy.
"The 951 hex key wrench is unique because it has a sliding handle that allows it to be used in the `T' position for speed or the `L' position for torque," said a Peerless Hardware spokesperson. "This sliding handle also provides superior access to fasteners in many positions that are difficult to reach with traditional hex key wrenches. The ends are precision machined to provide a precise fit with the fasteners." The 951 T-handle also provides three usable ends. Beta Tools makes a complete line of T-handle wrenches in SAE, metric and torx. They are available in a fixed-position long-end or with a built-in universal joint on the end.
The #96BPA offset hex key wrench has an extra-short end that is angled at 110° to provide access where traditional 90° angled wrenches cannot reach. The short end is very shallow to allow it to reach into tight spaces. The long end has a ball-end hex that allows users to turn fasteners at an angle up to 30°. The #96BPA comes in 9 metric sizes: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm
Beta Tools manufactures a full line of premium hand tools, pneumatic tools, tool storage, torque wrenches, non-sparking tools, insulated tools and more.
Since 2012 Peerless Hardware has been the North American import partner for Beta Tools of Italy. From its Pennsylvania facility, Peerless Hardware establishes and supports Beta Tools distributors in North America.
Founded in 1951 in Columbia, PA, Peerless Hardware is a third generation, family-owned manufacturing business dedicated to providing its customers with high quality, custom metal components. The company manufactures a diverse product line that includes hand fasteners and directional pulleys. Peerless Hardware also manufactures custom metal components and provides reverse engineering services.
For more information contact:
Peerless Hardware Manufacturing Co.
210 Chestnut Street
Columbia, PA 17512