Automated Finishing Processes
June 1, 2016
Rosler has introduced its new Surf Finishing machine, an automated surface finishing process that is suited for deburring, surface grinding, smoothing and polishing of delicate, high-value components with complex geometries. The Surf Finisher offers several benefits, including; fully automatic processing, short cycle times, high process stability, repeatability and finishing of precisely targeted surface areas.
"The Surf Finisher was created out of a growing demand to improve the cost efficiency, stability and repeatability of surface finishing processes for highly valuable and complex components," said a company spokesperson. "Surf Finishing allows fully automatic dry or wet processing of these components, which up until this point, could only be finished with costly manual or mechanical systems."
Surf Finishing is technology for single component treatment in the aerospace, automotive and medical industries or any other industry where precise deburring, surface grinding, smoothing and polishing are essential.
For more information contact:
Rosler Metal Finishing USA, LLC
1551 Denso Road
Battle Creek, MI 49037
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