Video Optical Comparator Technology for Micro Manufacturing
July 1, 2015
VidiProbe from Certified Comparator Products (CCP) allows a comparator to function as a traditional analog comparator as well as a fully automatic vision system. This is accomplished by embedding a high resolution video camera in the optics of the comparator and pairing it with advanced QVI Measure-X 2D software.
"VidiProbe is designed to increase comparator measurement accuracy by allowing users to measure hundreds of points per feature in the time a typical edge sensor would measure a few," said a company spokesperson. "In addition, VidiProbe makes it simple for the operator to apply dynamic tolerances, construct features from multiple measurements and compare actual measurements directly to CAD models.
"The addition of new optical comparator technologies like VidiProbe makes measurement faster, easier and more accurate, adding more value to operations like micro manufacturing, which require greater precision and accuracy."
For more information contact:
Timothy Fantauzzo
VP of Sales & Marketing
1175 North Street
Rochester, NY 14621
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