AT&F Awarded AISC Certification for Bridge Projects
July 1, 2015
AT&F, a large-scale metal fabricator, has been awarded certification by the American Institute of Skilled Construction (AISC). This now allows AT&F to perform work on a variety of bridge projects requiring an AISC-certified contractor and expands the ways in which AT&F can serve its customers.
"We want to be able to build components for accelerated bridge construction projects for our customers, and this certification will help us deliver," said Paul Horbaly, Business Development Representative at AT&F. "Each state's Department of Transportation requires AISC-certified suppliers for bridge components as the nation rebuilds our structurally deficient infrastructure."
According to the company, AISC certification lets customers know that AT&F has met and exceeded AISC's rigorous quality-control specifications. AT&F applied for the certification in November 2014 and received it following a series of audits and document reviews to ensure it has the systems and processes in place to merit certification.
"With AISC certification, AT&F can put its capabilities to work in new ways on bridge projects requiring greater spans than previously available in the bridge girder market," said a company spokesperson. "These specialized girders require a large press brake to cold-form the bridge girders."
"We have some of the largest-capacity and most advanced equipment in the industry to handle all of our customers' needs," said Horbaly. "We have a 60-foot-long single-ram press brake with a 2,800-ton capacity, which is unique in our space."
"We are excited to offer large fabrication expertise honed over 75 years in the heavy industrial and defense markets to bridge designers and builders," said AT&F's CEO Michael Ripich.
For more information contact:
12314 Elmwood Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44111
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