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High-Precision Touch Probe for Grinders/Lathes

HEIDENHAIN's TS 750 high-precision touch probe is now available for in-process workpiece measurement in grinding machines and lathes. This durable probe offers the ability to better state the reproducibility of its jobs at increased probing speeds. The low probing force inherent in the TS 750 is a benefit when working with soft or delicate workpieces.

The TS 750 operates with high-precision pressure sensors, with force analysis for generating the trigger pulse. The forces that arise during probing are processed electronically. "This method delivers homogeneous 360° probing accuracy. It offers high probing speed of up to 1 m/min and does not require a minimum speed," said a company spokesperson.

Due to its low probing forces of approximately 1.5 N (axial) and 0.2 N (radial), the TS 750 can attain high probing accuracy (±1 µm) and repeatability with almost no effect on the measured object, according to the company. Only on further deflection do the forces of the springs take effect until the machine stops.

"Delivering reliable measurements after prolonged use-even after five million probing cycles-this TS 750 touch probe is still highly accurate," said the spokesperson.

For more information contact:

HEIDENHAIN Corporation

333 E. State Parkway

Schaumburg, IL 60173-5337


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