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Grinding Fluid for HSS Manufacturing

oelheld's SintoGrind HSS-X 1400 is formulated with modern gas to liquid (GTL) base oils. "GTL oils do not display the negatives of mineral oil derived base oils and are superior in longevity and high temperature tolerance," said a company spokesperson.

SintoGrind HSS-X 1400 is suitable for flute, thread, profile, internal and external cylindrical grinding of steel materials such as HSS, PM and medical steels. "SintoGrind HSS-X 1400 is low foaming, prevents surface burning, inhibits burr development, is low misting and offers excellent filterability," said the spokesperson.

For more information contact:

oelheld U.S., Inc.

1100 Wesemann Drive

West Dundee, IL 60118


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