Horizontal Band Saw for Straight or Miter Cuts
February 1, 2019

The (#9683312) 9-inch Zip-Miter horizontal band saw offers operators the choice between a manual feed for single or utility cuts or a hydraulic down feed.
An innovative design makes the 9" Zip-Miter horizontal band saw from Palmgren suitable for cutting straight or miter cuts on ferrous and non-ferrous metal.
It has been designed from the blade out to provide the same cutting accuracy as a cold saw. The band saw features an advanced direct drive gear box and motor to maximize the power of the motor to the blade and reduce vibration. The gear box uses a bronze worm gear and hardened and ground worm shaft in an oil bath to provide a smooth, quiet drive train and positive surface-feet-per-minute at the blade.
For more information contact:
Palmgren - a C.H. Hanson Brand
2000 N. Aurora Road
Naperville, IL 60563
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