Hydraulic Pump for Automated Workholding Actuation
February 1, 2019
Now hydraulic workholding systems are easily automated with the new Kurt Automation Pump. The system comes complete with solenoid valves, pressure switches and wire harnesses ready for adding the appropriate connectors that fit a specific CNC controller or other I/O device. This pump system's modular design allows selection starting with double or single solenoid valves. The system is configurable with up to four or more valves depending on the number of vises or hydraulic actuators in the set-up.
The hydraulic pump system is powered by normal shop air versus an electric motor. The pump uses 40-100 PSI input pressure and sustains up to 3,400 PSI of constant pressure for use with all Kurt Hydraulic Vises or Kurt Hydraulic ClusterTowers. The system is available in double-acting configuration where closing and opening the workholding is hydraulically powered. A single-acting configuration is available for cost-savings, and uses hydraulics for closing and spring actuation for opening the workholding.
"The pump uses an internal load-limiting valve for protection against overload, a common problem with other hydraulic pumps," said a company spokesperson. The special load-limiting valve allows the piston mechanism to cycle automatically when the systems ask for hydraulic flow at low pressures. This performance-on-demand feature keeps the pump pressurized and ready to give hydraulic flow whenever it is needed.
To help achieve reduced noise levels, the pump is equipped with an air exhaust muffler and provides quiet operation. "The pump has far less noise than comparable motor driven pumps," said the spokesperson. The compact footprint of the pump is 6" x 8" for easy location next to the vise or workholding set-up. Each pump system comes with all the necessary fittings.
The Kurt system can also be used to power swing clamps, hydraulic actuated systems and variety of clamping functions in many manufacturing processes.
For more information contact:
Kurt Manufacturing Company
Industrial Products Division
9445 East River Road NW
Minneapolis, MN 55433
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