Attendees of the Richland College/NIMS event included members of the manufacturing community, Texas Veterans Commission, educators and more. Front row far right, from right to left: Martha Hogan, Executive Dean, and Brian Fleming, Manufacturing Coordinator, both of Richland College School of Engineering, Business & Technology; Melanie Stover, Director of Strategic Initiatives, NIMS.
Richland College (Dallas, TX) has launched an initiative to begin National Institute for Metal Skills (NIMS) accreditation. Richland College's manufacturing program will be pursuing accreditation for NIMS Machining Level I and Machining Level II.
As part of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, NIMS was on site for two days to provide an in-depth overview of NIMS and of the accreditation process.
Richland's ability to offer NIMS I and II Certifications will be an integral part to the success of the TAACCCT supported Veterans-Focused Engineering Technology Project (VFETP). The $3.25 million TAACCCT grant, which was awarded to Richland College last year, equips Richland College to train Texans who require new job skills for immediate employment. By leveraging Richland's existing manufacturing and electronics technology programs, partnerships with Dallas employers, the City of Garland, the City of Richardson and the Metroplex Technology Business Council with TAACCCT grant funds, VFETP helps meet the needs of local veterans and others who seek training to enter or re-enter the local job market.
The VFETP offers associate degrees (with credit-applicable education or experience) in manufacturing and electronics technology. The program also will offer certificates in electromechanical maintenance, advanced design for manufacturing and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
The TAACCCT grant has also provided the funding needed to upgrade and renovate Richland's manufacturing and technology labs. A new 4,000 sq. ft. manufacturing lab, soon to be completed, will feature EDM, CNC, turning, inspection, heat treating, robotics and automation technology.
Richland donated its previous manufacturing equipment to the local Richardson and Garland high schools to support the dual credit manufacturing programs at each campus. Richland is committed to providing instructor support and training as well as curriculum support for these programs. The dual credit classes teach learning outcomes satisfying NIMS Machining Level 1 credentials.
NIMS sets skills standards for the industry, certifies individual skills against the standards and accredits training programs that meet NIMS quality requirements. NIMS also develops innovative training solutions, such as competency-based apprenticeships and fast-track internships, that directly connect employers to the skilled individuals they need.
For more information contact:
Richland College
12800 Abrams Rd.
Dallas, TX 75243
10565 Fairfax Blvd., Suite 10
Fairfax, VA 22030