Expanded Double Column Bridge Mills
November 1, 2015
CNC Systems, the exclusive importer for Vision Wide Double Column Bridge Mills, has announced that the BM- Moving Beam Series now goes up to 5 m between columns.
"Vision Wide's Global Market has seen even more demand for its high quality Moving Beam Double Column line of machines and has answered that by expanding its Moving Beam specifications with increased capacity and optional equipment," said a company spokesperson. "Our customers are demanding more from their bigger machines to allow them to run a wider range of parts from large, flat plate work to taller parts, such as heat exchangers, without having extensive changeover time setting up between jobs or different operations using the same tools."
The BM5252 is available with either 4 m or 5 m between the columns, a fully programmable W-axis that can travel up to 1,500 mm, a Z-axis that can travel up to 1,400 mm and an optional riser of 500 mm that is designed to allow even the tallest part to be machined on the top surface while being able to program the Moving Beam down to the table for plate work.
"With the optional head changers and right angle heads, a part can be machined from almost any angle, in addition to five sided machining of almost every part," said the spokesperson.
For more information contact:
Steve Arcari
David Valentine
CNC Systems
40 Water Street
Kennebunk, ME 04043
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