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Expanded Line of High-Performance SCARA Robots

FANUC America has expanded its line of high-performance SCARA ROBOTS, offering more reach and payload options to companies with assembly, packaging, pick & place and inspection processes.

FANUC's family of 4-axis SCARA robots has grown to include the SR-3iA, SR-6iA, SR-12iA and new SR-20iA models with 3 kg, 6 kg, 12 kg and 20 kg payload capacities, and a 400 mm to 1,100 mm reach, respectively.

The small SR-3iA and SR-6iA SCARAs have a compact footprint and space-saving design for maximum efficiency. The SR-3iA/H and SR-6iA/H are 3-axis variants that provide strong performance and an affordable alternative to small linear slide products. The higher-payload SR-12iA and SR-20iA provide flexibility with a large vertical stroke, and an environmental option for harsh conditions.

"FANUC's SCARA robots provide great solutions when speed and repeatability are essential," said Eric Potter, Director of FANUC's General Industry and Automotive Engineering segments. "Our SCARA robots are designed to help customers increase productivity in a number of industries including consumer electronics, auto components, appliances, medical device manufacturing and more."

Powered by the R-30iB Compact Plus controller, FANUC's SCARA robots have the same intelligence that is available on all FANUC robots, including integrated iRVision, conveyor tracking (iRPickTool) and most other software options. FANUC's latest SCARA iRProgrammer user interface makes it easy to set up and program the robot on a tablet or PC (teach pendant is optional).

For more information contact:

FANUC America Corporation

3900 West Hamlin Road

Rochester Hills, MI 48309-3253

888-FANUC-US (326-8287)

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