(l-r) California Polytechnic Pomona Engineering Student Kyle Craig, SMTCL Chief Operating Officer Jerry McCarty and Cal Poly Student Chris Jaime are shown in front of their car at the SMTCL Heavy Metal Open House.
SMTCL Employees Boris Fu and Jerry McCarty are on a PBC130 CNC Platform Boring Mill that was on display at the SMTCL Heavy Metal Open House. (Photo taken at SMTCL's Los Angeles Technical Center)
SMTCL-Americas held a two-day open house event in their City of Industry Technical Center recently. The theme of the open house was "Heavy Metal" and featured eight machine-cutting demonstrations. Attendees were given "SMTCL Heavy Metal" T-shirts, hats and portable mobile phone chargers. Lunch, snacks and beverages were also served each day of the open house.
The event, which was attended by over 200 people, included seminars such as: "New Breakthroughs in Tooling Technology," "High Speed Machining," "Reducing Cycle Time with High Pressure Coolant," "How to Get the Most Out of Your CNC Control" and "New Ways to Automate Your Machine Tool."
Technology companies that joined the event and displayed products included ChipBlaster, Kennametal, Siemens, FANUC, SurfCam, Detron and VersaBuilt. Cal-Poly Pomona's Society of Automotive Engineers racing team also brought both its Baja car and its Formula Car to demonstrate how they use SMTCL's CNC Technology.
SMTCL's Chief Operating Officer, Jerry McCarty, said, "These events are great in that I get to spend some time with our customers and they can see new developments in our industry. It is rare that a customer can come into one facility and see CNC boring mills, CNC horizontal lathes, vertical machining centers, tapping centers, radial drills and engine lathes all under one roof. This is also a great opportunity for our quality control guys and service personnel to meet customers that they may not have interacted with before. The SMTCL Team uses this event to both thank our existing customers and meet potential new customers."
For more information contact:
SMTCL Americas
17038 E. Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91745
626-667-1192 / 855-SMTCL-US (768-2587)