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Stainless Steel Solution Unlocks New Applications in Medical, Aerospace

Surgical forceps produced pre-assembled, unpolished with XJet metal AM solution.

XJet Carmel 1400M System for 316L and 17-4PH stainless steel.

XJet has announced the addition of 17-4PH stainless steel to its portfolio of materials for metal and ceramic additive manufacturing (AM). The material, offering high hardness and tensile strength, has been introduced to expand industrial applications across a range of sectors, including medical devices and surgical instruments, aerospace and defense, oil and gas filtration and high-precision tooling and manufacturing.

"The 17-4PH solution promises a rapid production process with a groundbreaking new soluble support material based on XJet's proprietary NanoParticle Jetting (NPJ) technology," said a company spokesperson. "The new support material maximizes the freedom of design and shortens the automated end-to-end manufacturing process of metal 3D parts, while further improving NPJ's surface roughness and accuracy."

With XJet's rapid three-step process (Print-Wash-Sinter) and the accuracy and smooth surfaces delivered by XJet NPJ technology, post-processing requirements are a minimum, shortening the manufacturing lead time to just weeks, the company reported.

"The time and labor savings gained with XJet technology cannot be understated," said XJet CBO Andy Middleton. "And that is due to the minimal post-processing requirement. With the new solution for 17-4PH, support materials can be removed in down to six hours."

"Another radical advantage of XJet's new offer is its ability to create complex inner cavities that no other technology, additive or otherwise, can achieve," Middleton added. "This innovation enables pre-assembly-particularly useful for a lot of medical device applications-and offers true design freedom. Where part assemblies are too demanding and time consuming for traditional technologies, XJet is the answer."

The spokesperson said: "The material properties of XJet 17-4PH stainless steel-high tensile strength, hardness, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance-in combination with accuracy to 50 microns with NPJ technology, will unlock new possibilities for innovation and drive new applications."

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