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Hankook America New Importer for KAFO, Kiheung

Hankook America Corp./Panda Machine Tools, celebrating 20 years in business, have been named the U.S. importer for KAFO and the U.S./Mexico importer for Kiheung.

Hankook America, the North American importer for Hankook Machine Tools of South Korea since 2004, is a large supplier of machine tools to the U.S. government, especially the U.S. Navy. Hankook is known in the oil industry for it large spindle bore CNC horizontal lathes that are available up to 315" between centers. Hankook has built heavy-duty CNC lathes up to 24' between centers. The double-geared, rotary scale C-axis on their vertical lathes (from 40" to 118" table) provide high accuracy for C-axis milling.

"The KAFO line will give us a large range of CNC machining centers, including 5-axis, auto pallet changing and large bridge mills," said Bill MacCluskey, National Sales Manager. "We have seen more and more customers needing to reduce the number of set-ups and operations to complete a part."

KAFO has provided machining centers from 20" x 16" up to 33' in X-axis travel. KAFO has built machines for other brands and is now going to offer the KAFO brand directly.

Kiheung machines include horizontal boring mills with an indexing heavy-duty spindle head, providing the capability to machine multiple sides of the workpiece in a single set-up.

Indexing heads can be configured with 2.5°, 1° or .001° indexing capability depending on the customer machining requirements. Kiheung uses certified Meehanite castings and quality sub-components in all machines.

Hankook America is in discussion with several distributors about representation in different regions. If interested, contact Phil Romanowski, Vice President.

For more information contact:

Phil Romanowski, Vice President

Hankook America

1601 Atlantic Drive, Ste. 109

West Chicago, IL 60185


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